Monday, December 6, 2010

FIFA World Cup 2018, 2022 hosts

FIFA World Cup 2018, and 2022 hosts have been selected. Russia and Qatar to host 2018 and 22 edition respectively.

I guess correctly to be selected as 2018 host but England to lost at Round 1 with only 2 votes is really unexpected. I would expect England to lose at round 2 onward. It was really surprised, no wonder there are plenty of news published at UK newspapers, and all are not so favor to FIFA selection committees.

There criticised the selection methods and also the committees, who they claimed those "agreed" to vote England has jump ship at last minute.

I think England should blame themself for the failure. First, the scandal on several committees who would sell their vote to whoever wants it. Second, the media which is at last minute still published the scandal. And finally, a FA cup tie was ended with field invasion closer to bidding process.

On the Qatar being selected, it was really a surprised. I choose Aussie to be the front runner, and again there lost out at the first round. Surprise !!!

At the final round between Qatar and USA, it was won by Qatar. Qatar selection was really surprised to many, as the country was so small, even their population is less  than 2 millions.

If the 2022 edition to be play at June, it will be very very hot !!! It reported the temperature could reach 50 celsius. Hard to imagine, the suffering of those players.

Either the date change to Jan from normal June or play at the fully air conditional stadium (who knows, they may be able to do it).

Congratulations to Russia and Qatar. For England and USA, don't blame others when lost the bid, try again next time.